Sunday, December 31, 2017


I do not own the copy rights to this image
THE BLACK MAN IN 2018  BETTER GET ON HIS GAME. THE BLACK WOMAN IS ALREADY ON HERS.  The black women as a whole, in The United States, are getting themselves together, While it seems like the black man as a whole, in the United States, is lagging behind, aloof, lost, wandering in the wilderness, adrift, unfocused. While the black woman is throwing up their hands and saying "fuck it, were moving on without you blackman. You've held us up long enough." The black woman has dropped the lifeline to the black man, shrugs her shoulders, throws up her hands and thus gives up on black men. She looks back over her shoulder as she watches the black man slowly drown in his own stupidity, lack of direction, focus and leadership. If we black man as a whole in the United States don't get our shit together, then we're gone. a lost cause.
Okay black man, lets talk. It is now 2018 and it's time that we, Black men living in America as a whole,  get our shit together by doing the following:

1) Make sure you are employed, self-employed or have your own business.
2) If you have children living outside your home make sure you take care of them both physically and financially. Second to you, your children should always come first. Money isn't everything.  Spending time with your means a lot to them and their mom.
3) If you are having to pay child support, pay it on time. If you don't have a job, do something.  Some money is better than no money.
4) If you are behind on your child support, then do what you can to pay it up. The kids and their mom need that financial help.
5) Save your money and stop wasting it on fast women, cars and alcohol and Jordans. Take that money and invest in yourself and your future.
6) If you are living with your mama, girlfriend, sister, or any female,
GET OUT. Find your own place to either rent or buy Maintain your freedom and do not move any females, including a girlfriend or friend in with you.
7) If you are in a bad relationship, GET OUT.
8) If you are in a bad marriage, GET OUT and refer back to #2
9) If you have a special woman, girlfriend, fiancĂ©e or a friend with benefits, and she's your ride or die.      

Make sure you take care of her as she will be there and take care of you.
10) You should always come 2nd to your kids only. Take care of yourself both mentally and physically.  

Don't let no man or woman, the lack of money stress you out. Exercise regularly and get that medical check-up. Remember if you have children,or grandkids, they need their dad or grandpa.
11) If you have an estranged relationship with your kids,
FIX IT. Don't accept no excuses saying, "She won't let me."  Unless you've been legally banned by the courts, their mom doesn’t have the last word. If she's acting a fool, then you do the legally right thing and take her ass to court. Can you say joint custody?
12) Take care of yourself spiritually. You don't have to believe in or belong to any of man's many organized religion to be spiritual, or to believe there's a Supreme Being. (A God)
13). Set realistic goals for yourself. Visualize where you wanna be in the next two to five years. See it, believe it and then achieve it. 
14) These are a few important points any man should do:
a) know, love and be yourself, 
b) trust and believe in yourself, 
c) have faith in yourself, 
d) when all else fails you'll have yourself. 
e) know that you can achieve anything if you just trust and 
believe, focus and have faith in yourself. Things may not 
come when you want it. But having faith in yourself, any 
and all things are possible.
     Trust me men, I can assure you that most women are smart and witty. And they have already set their goals for 2018. And if you don't have your shit gather you are GOOD AS GONE. They are getting tired of your male bullshit. Some women may even look at this list and add something from this list to their list. Never! Never! underestimate a woman. They are smart and witty. When you think they are asleep, their brains are working overtime figuring shit out. Most of it is on how to get paid and what to do
with your sorry ass. BET!   

Jerry Adams  


Drink more of Adams' Flavored Diet Water 

Monday, March 13, 2017


Other than slavery, Christianity is the next worst thing that happened to African Americans. Reasons 1002, 1003, 1004 and 1005 why I Christianity is not good for the Black man. Because the Christian God is not on your side. This evil religion belongs to those who created it and it's evil followers. And not to those who were forced to accept it unwillingly.

                                             There is no just God for the Black man


No matter where they go on this earth, The White man, (The Blue-eyed Devil) set out to kills, steals and to destroys where he goes . After the European settlers arrived in Australia in 1788, thousand of aborigines died from deadly diseases carried by the White man; the colonists systematically killed many others Aborigines. At first contact, there were over 250,000 aborigines in Australia. After the massacres ended in the 1920 leaving no more than 60,000. Since then, the population has grown, and by the next century as many as 30,000 people may legitimately claim aboriginal descent. Like the Native Americans, the Aborigines hate they'd ever seen or let the White man set foot on their soil.

I will never understand how these Europeans, the White man, The Blue-eyed Devil, can go to these countries, kill the Natives and then claim the land and resources and then set up shop, a government and religion like it's theirs .
Jerry Adams (2017)

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

     No man has died and gone to either heaven or hell and came back and told us about it. People have been told that at the end of time there will be this great big Judgement Day. When people will have to stand before and be judged. And that's when this loving heavenly Father will decide rather to send his faithful servant to heaven, or cast his child in hell for eternity. WRONG! The end of time is when you die. That's your end if time, not everyone else's.  Your soul will not stand before any God and be judged. Truthfully, all of that is done by man The only Judgement Day that you will ever endure will be the day of your funeral. THE minister, rabbi or whomever is officiating your funeral opens up your "Book of Life" and start reading your life stories to the congregation. As you yourself is observing and listening about your life here on earth. This is when your family, friends and associates will get up and say nice things about you. Those to whom you have wronged will not be allowed to speak on you. However, you are able to hear their private thoughts. There is no God or, Heavenly Father, who will send you your soul heaven or cast your soul to a fiery hell for eternity. All of that is done on earth, the day of your funeral by man. So the thing is, don't be fooled and mislead by man's organized religion and it's trappings.

     As of 2014, there are an estimated 4,200 different religions in the world, and these can be categorized into several main religions. These include Christianity, Roman Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism, although Roman Catholicism is often categorized under Christianity. I suppose other these people around the world are crazy and stupid and is going to burn in your Christian man made hell for not believing for your man made Christianity God and Rejected, Hand Me Down Messiah Jesus who was rejected by the Jews. The people he was intended for. you African American Christians
The Republicans do not understand that "what goes around comes around." They seem to have forgotten how they disrespected and treated President Obama. And how they did everything within their power to derail and obstruct President Obama's every effort. Now these sames disrespectful Republicans jackasses and obstructionist are asking us to respect their man Donald Trump. Say stuff like he's all our president and we should give him a chance and work with him. Well for me, Republicans jackasses, I think we should treat and afford Donald Trump the same treatment you afforded President Obama. You Republicans have some nerve coming in here asking for favors.

HAITI'S. A Country On The Edge of Hell

HAITI-  It's Time For The European Countries Start Paying Back What They Have Taken From Countries Around The World. For too long European countries have raided other countries around the world taking and stealing their land and valuable resources. The Europeans left these countries in poor condition.  Thus, lacking in food, adequate shelter and resources.  In return for their raping, stealing, looting, pilferage and the taking of  these countries valuable resources, the Europeans offered these people their White God, and telling the navies how much their white Jesus love them.  Haiti is just one of  many countries that was raped and looted by the France, an European Country. It is time these European Countries give back to those from whom they have taken and stolen fro